Flourishing Together research collaborates with tāngata whaikaha and disabled persons, both Māori and non-Māori, to co-produce policy advice around kāinga (housing and home). We aim to develop a deeper understanding of the contexts in which disabled people can access and maintain kāinga in ways that meet their needs and aspirations.
At the same time, we will develop novel co-production processes and methods to include whaikaha (disabled person) perspectives more effectively in future health-related policy development spaces.
Share Your Story & Add Your Voice.
Would you like to share how you experience choice and control around housing [kāinga] so that the needs and preferences of you and your whānau are met?

Do you experience disability?
Or are you family or whānau of someone who experiences disability?
Are you at least 16 years old?
You are invited to share your thoughts in an accessible online survey tool.
The questions and the survey tool have been
co-designed with disabled people.
It is set up so you can tell us stories – not just tick boxes!
This project is funded by the Health Research Council (HRC) Emerging Researcher fund. The study has been approved by the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee (H21/099)